konya2023 talk #7 黒田雷児「美術/都市 インドネシアの国際展をみる」


SEA+トリエンナーレ http://seaplus-triennale.info/wp/
ジャカルタ・ビエンナーレ http://jakartabiennale.net/
ビエンナーレ・ジョグジャ http://www.biennalejogja.org/2013/

場所:konya-gallery / 中央区大名1-14-28-2F
ゲスト:黒田雷児(福岡アジア美術館 学芸課長)

Date : Thu 30 January 2014, 7:00pm
Venue:konya-gallery / 1-14-28, Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Fee : ¥500-
Guest : Raiji Kuroda (Fukuoka Asian Art Museum)
SEA+ Triennale(ジャカルタ)

konya2023 talk #1 - #6

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konya2023 talkの1回目から6回めまでのサイトをまとめました。

konya2023 talk #1 アルウィン・レアミーリョ

konya2023 talk #2 中尾智路「南アジアのアート最新事情」

konya2023 talk #3  Peter Granser "Werksvortrag"

konya2023 talk #4 大久保京「吾輩堂 猫本&猫グッズ探訪+時々アートの旅」

konya2023 talk #5 五十嵐理奈「南アジアのアート最新事情2」

konya2023 talk #6 狩野哲郎



1月5日からは、konya-galleryにて展覧会「konya2023 New Year's art mart - Treasure Ship -」を


【レポート】the Asian Table 2013 終了しました

先日10/4(金)、konya-skyにてthe Asian Table 2013が行われました。




3つのスクリーンにはアジア3都市各地の映像が、残りのスクリーンにはanno labによるテキストパーティー&クラウド・ライブ・ペインティングの模様が上映されました。



トークセッションでは、会場と台南・ハノイ・釜山にあるアートスペースやクリエイティブ集団をGoogle hangoutでつなぎ、それぞれの施設や活動を紹介し、現地のアートシーンについて話題が上りました。晩ご飯時ということで各地で飲食しながらの中継となり、Asian Tableの名の通り、みんなで食卓を囲み団らんを楽しんでいるような状態でした。非常にリラックスムードでおしゃべりが続きました。


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テキストパーティーでは、各地の人たちがGoogle docsのページに同時に書き込みを行い、トークセッションの会話を拾って実況してみたり、asiantableのタグがついたtweetを拾ってスクリーン上に表示されたりしていました。anno labによるクラウド・ライブ・ペインティングでは、くすっと笑える画像が続々とスクリーンに登場。終盤にはCo.De.Xによる即興パフォーマンスが披露され、会場は大いに盛り上がりました。


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the Asian TABLE 2013

"the Asian TABLE" is a imaginary table that people share Asian creation.  On this "TABLE", various "current trends" of creation of many parts in Asia will be arranged.

At this time, 3 art spaces / collectives will be connected with using internet broadcasting system and hold a talk session about art scene / economy / society / the possibility of the Asian TABLE in casual mood. The talk will be conducted almost in English.

"the Asian TABLE"
Date : 2013.10.4.FRI 18:00-21:00
Venue : konya-sky (1-14-28 daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka)  
Ticket : adv ¥1,500  door ¥1,800
*Please contact to travel-front@travelers-project.info to book the advance ticket

Sponsor : CREATIVE LAB FUKUOKA   *Asian Party (organized by Fukuoka city) related event
Organized by TRAVEL FRONT / konya2023 


// art spaces & collectives //
原都心創作空間 TOTATOGA  http://tttg.kr/xe/
What A View! DT studio (大同風景好) https://www.facebook.com/whataviewtaiwan

// text party //
You can join in the virtual party site ( Google document, spreadsheet ) on the website with writing or cut & paste. Everyone can participate in this party from everywhere, if only you are connected to the internet and sign in. It is like a chat, but more creative communication. Not only for exchanging the feeling or impression at the moment in each languages, you can just enjoy playing catch with texts and images each other. The communication there would cross over the difference of language.
*This time you can participate only at the real site of the Asian TABLE.

// cloud live painting //
Live-painting on the 'text party' site by the creative team "anno lab". They will use the photos taken in each participant city as material, and demonstrate the live-painting on the Google docs and spreadsheet as canvas. This performance will be run in parallel with talk session, so sometimes it would be affected and synchronized with the site's atmosphere, what is talked at the moment.

// food & drink //
Thai food by "gamlangdii"    http://www.gamlangdii.com/
"gamlangdii" is Thai restaurant near konya2023, certificated by Thai government's 'Thai Select'. They serves  traditional Thai home made dishes with organic vegetables and herbs. 

Talk session's MC : Mitsuo Tsuda, Tsuneo Noda

◯art spaces profiles
--Nha San Collective
Nhasan Studio 1998 -> Skylines With Flying People 2012 (temporary art space)-> Nhasan COLLECTIVE 2013
Nhasan Studio is the first and the longest artist run space for experimental art in Hanoi. Nhasan Collective is their new space, located in an abandoned pharmaceutical factory right in the centre of Hanoi.
Nhà Sàn COLLECTIVE is not a museum, a commercial gallery or an
international culture institute where completed works are presented by
established artists. Just like Nhà Sàn Studio before, it is a working studio to nurture where artists can create, collaborate, be given advices,
critiques, and have chances to meet with international artists, curators.

--原都心創作空間 TOTATOGA 
TOTATOGA is a community project that gives local government assistance to artists who come from various cultural back grounds, including fine art, sculpture, photograph, performance, cinema, literature, music and so on.
TOTATOGA's 27 studios located between jungang-dong and Donggwang-dong, where are historical district in Busan. This project started in 2010, now 311 artist are crating art and making community with citizen in their studios. 

--What A View! DT studio (大同風景好)
What A View:
Located in Taiwan,aiming to join the people and sharing the ideas together by means of  photography & traveling since 2010.
DT studio:
photo workshop and creative arts lab in Da Tong high school campus  (taipei,taiwan).

◯pick up artist profile
--anno lab
anno lab is the creative labo based in FUKUOKA city ( the primete city of South Japan ). anno lab is established by Alumni of Kyushu University who have different careers on April 2012. Our mission is making amusing world by creating new experience and value which stimulate intellectual curiosity.

◯MC profile
--Mitsuo Tsuda ( Talk session MC )
Born in 1957 Hyogo prefecture Japan. Sculptor
He considers sculpture to be an element of space composition, and creates stage art, modeling art of movie and device design. main works are special modeling art  "August in the water" Director Sogo Ishii 1995, monument"MADOKA"Onojo city Madokapia 1997, wood engineer "xylophone"NTT Docomo CM 2011.etc.

*The talk session will be broadcasted on http://asiantable.net/.
  Cloud live painting is only at the site.

art space / collective : Nha San Collective (Hanoi / Vietnam)
TOTATOGA (Busan / South Korea)  what a view! DT studio (Taipei / Taiwan)
text party direction : anno lab
web design : Nobuhiko Yoshikawa / SIIIS
system design : Mitsuo Morooka / art space tetra
coordinator : Hatsune Miyamoto / ART BASE 88 ,  Junji Murakami / AIP
translational cooperation : Keita Onooka